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A global aviation consultancy

Improving aviation performance through objective advice


Concept Development Process


The thought of replacing an ATM system, either in part or in full, can be daunting. We help guide ANSPs through this process, making sure that the right jobs are being done at the right time to achieve a safe, acceptable, on-time and on-budget implementation.

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Simulation is a capability at the core of our services. It allows you to test new concepts, systems or operators in a realistic way without using your actual platform or compromising operational safety

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In today’s digital ATM environment one of the most useful tools in understanding your ATM Operations is Analytics.  Through the use of advanced analytical methods Think can help airport and ATM stakeholders make better decisions.

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case studies


Defining, maturing and validating new concepts and systems.

Remote Tower

The technical feasibility of providing Air Traffic to a location other than the aerodrome had been proven as technically feasible in the late 2000s.  As part of the SESAR Development programme a consortium of European partners were tasked with creating a brand new operational concept and maturing it to a point where it could be implemented. 


Helping you implement new concepts and systems in your environment.

Conceptual Safety Argument for Gatwick Airport

Gatwick Airport is currently a large airport operating under High Intensity Runway Operations (HIRO) on a single runway. They wished to develop a concept to bring the existing Northern Runway into routine use. This required seeking permission through a Development Consent Order (DCO) to the planning inspectorate.


Using real world data to understand and optimise operations.

Independent advice on a future European Airspace architecture Study

The European Parliament requested the European Commission to conduct a study on the Single European Sky (SES) airspace architecture and more specifically, how changes to the existing airspace architecture could support implementation of the Single European Sky. The European Commission delegated the delivery of the airspace architecture study (AAS) to the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU).

news & views

“At a competitive price, the consultants from Think Research provided a stable high-quality product, always following up on reviews and supplying speedy and timely reports and guidance.”


Think always performed professionally, often going beyond what was required to ensure the NATS core-team could maximise their time assessing the operational quality of the delivered software builds.”


“Think’s strong knowledge of our airfield and ATM operations together with their robust approach to safety assessment has helped us ensure our future airport operational concept is both efficient and safe.”

– Gatwick Airport

“Think’s ATM consultants provide a high-quality validation service to our diverse real-time simulation projects.  They integrate well into our team of operational, technical and human factors experts and provide excellent and on-schedule service deliverables.”


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