The technical feasibility of providing Air Traffic to a location other than the aerodrome had been proven as technically feasible in the late 2000s. As part of the SESAR Development programme a consortium of European partners were tasked with creating a brand new operational concept and maturing it to a point where it could be implemented.
Over the last 10 years validation has become more and more of a focus in ATM development projects. Establishing that the concepts under development are fit-for-purpose has become increasingly relevant as timescales are shortened and budgets are stretched. Entire programmes such as SESAR are constructed using validation and the language of validation as their cornerstones.
With a neighbouring country opening one what is expected to be one of the world’s largest airports, our client needed to understand the impact of the new airport on their procedures, airspace and sectorisation within their Flight Information Region (FIR). Furthermore, the neighbouring ANSP intends to implement an Extended Arrival Manager (XMAN) which would require sequencing, delay absorption and ATCO intervention in our client’s airspace.
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