Airport ATM Enhancement Projects
Our client was a major Middle Eastern Airport undergoing significant development and modernisation. As part of their ATM roadmapping they wished to understand whether and how they would implement a series of novel technologies and systems.

Time Based Separation
Headwinds on final approach have long been a significant cause of arrival delay for our subject airport and its customers. Through research and development projects and collaborative programmes such as SESAR the Time Based Separation concept was developed as a means to recover the landing rate lost during these conditions.

Performance Based Navigation implementation
The Client Croatia Control The Challenge The SIDs and STARs at the nine major airports in Croatia relied on out-dated sensor-based navigation and were not always preferred by ATCOs due to conflicting routes. Croatia Control had a desire to implement new Performance...
Extended Arrival Management Simulation
With a neighbouring country opening one what is expected to be one of the world’s largest airports, our client needed to understand the impact of the new airport on their procedures, airspace and sectorisation within their Flight Information Region (FIR). Furthermore, the neighbouring ANSP intends to implement an Extended Arrival Manager (XMAN) which would require sequencing, delay absorption and ATCO intervention in our client’s airspace.

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