Back in June we updated our website to include a Remote and Digital Towers resources page, this included Think’s first-of-its-kind map of Digital Tower projects which uses a unique dataset to help to visualise the current landscape of this concept. Despite it only being 3 months since our map was first published there have already been some exciting new developments, including a few new Digital Towers in the pipeline. So we felt it was time for an update.
Some of the things we have included in this update are as follows:
- RNAS Culdrose: Recent news from the U.K. details that the Royal Navy are proposing a Remote Tower be installed at Royal Navy Air Station (RNAS) Predannack to provide remote aerodrome ATS to RNAS Culdrose, which is approximately 6 miles away. RNAS Culdose is one of the largest helicopter bases in Europe and is an exciting addition to our map.
- KCAA exploring feasibility: Plans to assess the feasibility of Remote Towers at several airports in Kenya have also now been added to the map.
- Airport Size Filters: Following suggestions from our valued clients, we have now included information on the size of each airport to our map, which can now be filtered based on aircraft movements.
Click here to explore our newly updated Remote and Digital Towers map.
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