On the 28th May NAV CANADA, the Canadian Air Traffic Services Provider, went live with the Intelligent Approach™ (IA) system. This is a significant achievement for the NATS and Leidos joint project that has developed and implemented the system for Toronto airport.
Think Research worked closely with NATS and Leidos throughout the course of the three-year project. Think provide a vital role to deliver concept support, system configuration, function design and evaluation for the Toronto airspace and airport.
Ben Sandford the NATS Product Manager says:
“Think Research have been integral to the Intelligent Approach product from its original inception as Time Based Separation at Heathrow. The team at Think provided crucial expertise on the Toronto deployment enabling the system to be configured and deployed into operation safely.
Intelligent Approach is a world leading innovative product that optimises the arrival capacity at busy airports through the use of time-based operations supported by separation and spacing indicators presented to controllers on their situation displays. The introduction of IA at Toronto marks its first deployment outside of London Heathrow where the system has been in use by NATS since 2015. Having also been closely involved in the original NATS implementation, Think Research are delighted to see the benefits of IA being realised at other airports around the world.

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