We are pleased to have been awarded our first contract within the second wave of SESAR 2020. Our consultants have begun providing comprehensive support to EUROCONTROL for the duration of the PJ.02-W2-14 solution. The ‘Evolution Of Separation Minima For Increased Runway Throughput’ solution evolves concepts previously delivered to V3 maturity during Wave 1 (under solutions PJ.02-01 and PJ.02-08) through the introduction of big data and machine learning algorithms.

We are responsible for developing a large proportion of the formal deliverables, so have the opportunity to capitalise on recognised expertise to deliver a fully consistent and integrated data pack.

The Think team have been a part of TBS and wake concept development since 2010 and have enabled large-scale implementation projects of these solutions ever since. We have also been supporting SESAR partner organisations since the beginning.

Contact the team today to find our more about how we can help you to achieve success in the second wave of SESAR 2020.