We recently concluded our support to COOPANS on SESAR 2020 Wave 1 Solution: PJ.10-02a ‘Improved Performance in the Provision of Separation’ by attending a close-out meeting in Dubrovnik, Croatia.
During this project, we led a V3 validation exercise in the form of a Real-Time Simulation (RTS) in Malmö, Sweden in May 2019. Three of our ATM consultants: Sarah McLarty, Jonathan Twigger and Catherine Mason were involved in this work. The RTS used LFV’s NARSIM platform to simulate Stockholm TMA airspace and assessed conflict detection and resolution in the TMA using trajectory data. The solution under assessment was a toolset called the Tactical Controller Tool (TCT), developed by Thales.

COOPANS PJ.10-02a team photo taken by Mikael Bjork (LFV), including Think consultants Sarah McLarty (front, centre) and Jonathan Twigger (far left).
The TCT is designed to provide executive controllers with information on present and future losses of separation between two tactical aircraft trajectories within a 4-8 minutes look-ahead time. This horizon is more appropriate for a TMA environment, i.e. providing support between STCA (~ 2 minutes look ahead) and MTCD (~20-30 minutes look ahead). It also considered aircraft climb and descent profiles, as opposed to MTCD, which is typically used in en-route airspace where aircraft are primarily in cruise.
We provided concept development and validation support for over a year, ensuring that the RTS was planned, executed and reported on in line with SESAR methodologies and to a high quality. Our in-house analysis software, RECALL, was used to convert the data logs extracted from both the NARSIM platform and the TCT into a usable format. This allowed the operational acceptability and provided performance benefits to be determined. By using RECALL, the analysis was accelerated, enabling the validation report to be delivered in record time to hit the extremely tight deadlines. Despite being the first time the TCT has been used in the TMA environment, the RTS was a success and valuable feedback was gathered to aid further development.
Our client from NAVIAIR said:
“During the planning of our V3 validation activities, we contracted Think Research to assist in setting up the exercise requirements and to write the validation plan, provide briefings and debriefings, elicit qualitative and quantitative data, analyse data, and finalize the validation report. The consultants from Think Research provided a high-quality product, always following up on reviews and supplying speedy and timely reports and guidance”
We have been providing support on a number of Solutions for SESAR 2020 in Wave 1 and are lined up to support a wide range of ANSPs in SESAR 2020, going forward in Waves 2 and 3.

Dubrovnik: the setting of the close-out meeting for the project, hosted by COOPANS
This project has received funding from the SESAR Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 734143. Click here for more information from SESAR JU regarding PJ.10: https://www.sesarju.eu/projects/prosa
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