Just over a year ago, in March 2020, we completed an Impact Assessment Study for the Candidate Institutionalised European Partnership for Integrated Air Traffic Management. This was the first step in the regulatory process for the renewal of the SESAR JU. A lot has happened during the last year – including significant debate on whether further public funding of ATM R&D would be necessary in the post-pandemic Europe. We are therefore delighted that the EU legislators continue to recognise the need for EU R&D funds to support development of harmonised solutions for the renewal of European ATM as an important enabler for the Green Deal.
Our report was taken on by the DG-MOVE of the European Commission and supported by CANSO and ASD to develop a proposal for the future partnership as a vehicle for implementing the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for the Digital European Sky which in turn is derived from the European ATM Master Plan. All of this eventually led to the inclusion of SESAR3 in the recent European Commission Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION establishing the Joint Undertakings under Horizon Europe.
That is some journey – but there is a consistent argument that investing in modernisation of ATM is still an essential element for ensuring the environmentally friendly mobility needed to support the economy going forwards.
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