Airports around the world commonly produce noise action plans, either in response to direct regulatory requirements such as the EU environmental noise directive, or else to demonstrate to local communities how they proactively seek to manage the noise from their activities. Our team has broad experience from around the world of helping airports to plan and develop their noise action plans through engagement with a range of stakeholders including ATC, airlines, local politicians and local communities. We offer challenge to an airport’s internal environment team and to operations departments to maximise the impact of an airport’s noise management activities. Furthermore, our expert ATC knowledge allows us to seek out innovative and high impact options to manage the noise related to particular communities.

From noise modelling, benchmarking of comparable airports activities, development and trial of new noise abatement procedures through to detailed analysis of Quota Count schemes and night noise control techniques our team can help with any particular challenges your operation may have. We are actively working on a range of assessments for some of the world’s busiest airports and have solutions to most noise challenges your airport may have.


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