Over the past three years, Think has been supporting NAV CANADA’s digital aerodrome air traffic services (DAATS) programme, part of the Canadian air navigation service provider’s (ANSP) digital facilities strategic initiative.


What is DAATS?

DAATS is the largest ever implementation of the digital tower concept worldwide and, upon completion, will span over a multitude of aerodromes across Canada. Aerodrome air traffic services (ATS) will be collocated using a hub concept, decoupling of the service from its physical location. DAATS will enable NAV CANADA to deliver operational, technical and business benefits for the organisation, customers and other stakeholders, while future-proofing the service provision in an environment that is becoming more digital every day.

Supporting the DAATS programme and working closely with NAV CANADA was an incredible experience for Think. Not only were we working with one of the world’s largest ANSPs and its forward-thinking, highly skilled and knowledgeable team, but we were supporting on a first-of-its-kind and prime digital tower programme.


How Think supported DAATS

Our work started at the initial concept phase of the DAATS programme, helping with the feasibility study, and then supporting the planning and preparatory phase of the programme.

The feasibility study phase shaped DAATS’ strategic direction, and involved:


The subsequent planning and preparatory phase of the programme was critical. Its two key objectives were to prepare NAV CANADA for the implementation phase and to select the preferred digital tower technology supplier.

Think’s role in this phase was three-fold: 1) act as an independent digital tower advisor; 2) support building the knowledge of the NAV CANADA DAATS team on the concept; and 3) provide help in establishing the necessary foundational strategies and plans for implementation.


David Sheppard, VP and Chief Strategy Officer, NAV CANADA said:

“Collaborating with Think’s team during the feasibility study and planning phases has been a productive experience. Their strategic engagement and commitment to the project have established a solid foundation for our future work. We look forward to building on this foundation to achieve our shared objectives,”


What we learnt

Embarking on a forward-thinking project such as DAATS, which can take more than a decade to come to fruition, can be challenging due to uncertainties and unpredictable changes. During our time supporting NAV CANADA, we gathered several key learnings which can lead to successful preparation for large-scale programmes. We have split those learning into four core aspects – stakeholders, planning, business case, and procurement.



What is next for Think?

Think has been involved with digital towers since the inception of the concept in 2010. We have been instrumental in developing some of the first operational concepts. We continue to build our knowledge and experience through involvement in digital tower projects across the Americas, Australia, Asia, and Europe. If you are thinking about introducing a digital tower to your operations and need some independent advice and support, then get in touch with our team of experts.