GreenATM Level 3 Accreditation LogoThis month, AirNav Ireland formally joined the CANSO GreenATM environmental accreditation programme, following in the footsteps of skeyes, LVNL and Skyguide. CANSO awarded AirNav Ireland a Level 3 accreditation in recognition of their commitment to a wide range of leading environmental practices and initiatives.

This achievement highlights AirNav Ireland’s efforts to reduce environmental impact and mitigate emissions within their airspace. It also demonstrates their practical approach to identifying areas of continuous improvement and their focus on advancing sustainable aviation practices within the industry.

The GreenATM accreditation programme is driving improvements in air traffic management’s environmental practices, critical for the aviation industry’s goal of achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050 and delivering maximum reduction of emissions at source. Launched in 2022, the programme provides an independent assessment of ANSPs’ efforts to reduce their environmental footprint within their airspace. It assesses various aspects, including operational practices, governance as well as the sustainability of the ANSPs infrastructure and utilities.

AirNav Ireland success in achieving Level 3 underscores the maturity of their environmental efforts, bringing in substantial and visible results in carbon emissions reduction.


Accreditation validity

The accredited level remains valid for one to three years, and during this time, it needs to be renewed annually. This streamlined process simplifies the initial assessment and monitors the progress of ANSPs.

For the ANSPs that have been accredited so far, the upcoming renewal presents an opportunity to evaluate progress, improve strategies and further consider better environmental initiatives for a sustainable future.


GreenATM programme management

As the secretariat of the programme, we manage the entire review process for the accreditation, from start to finish, as well as leading the renewals process. Our team assesses the responses and evidence provided by the ANSPs, providing guidance and support to ensure that they recognise and understand the programme requirements.

This approach enabled us to make recommendations to the CANSO GreenATM Panel for the accreditations for all ANSPs that joined the programme so far.

The CANSO GreenATM environmental programme encourages other ANSPs to share and adopt best practices, as well as consider their role in reducing environmental impact. There has been an increased interest from other ANSPs in obtaining the GreenATM accreditation and we look forward to working with more ANSPs and CANSO to continue to improve the environmental performance of the ATM industry.

If you’re interested in joining the programme or finding out more about the process please contact the team at: