The Client

Gatwick Airport

The Challenge

In order to improve the ATM operation in the future, Gatwick Airport Ltd. needed to develop, and deliver on, an ATM performance improvement plan.  This would present a roadmap of operational improvements that the business should focus on in order to deliver benefits going forward.

Our Approach

Think worked with both the airport and the ANS provider to support the development and validation of an ATM Masterplan.  Initially this focused on the validation of a runway and ground masterplan through analysis and bespoke modelling. All operational improvements with a quantifiable impact were validated through modelling and analysis.  This was followed with leading the development of the airspace masterplan and integrating all three parts of the operation into a complete and coherent roadmap including validation evidence to support the benefits case.

The Outcome

The masterplan was completed including a roadmap showing which operational improvements should be implemented and in what order. This allowed decision makers to prioritise operational improvements in their airport planning and Think continue to be involved in the delivery of those improvements.